The company structure
The company includes offices and a production area. During the 2018-2020 three-year period, the company has made major investments in corporate restructuring, which particularly involved the R&D area and its in-house laboratory, Production and the Engineering and Maintenance structure, which did not exist before. Through this reorganisation, which led to the defining of clear structural areas of competence, the company specifically worked on the concepts of responsibility, trust, and consistency for a correct and shared understanding of roles.
Shared values – trust and responsibility
The good results achieved by the company are the result of a positive work environment, based on participation, engagement, responsibility and trust, where each worker can find their own value.
Upskill training
The Company sees upskilling and the related investment in training as strategic levers to improve market performance and to foster a productive work environment. Vebi regularly plans team-building activities, to stimulate cohesion and improve the intra- and inter-working group relations. During the 2018-2020 three-year period, the company’s training activity has seen a considerable overall increase in the number of hours thanks to the constant growth of the company, which required an increase in the level of skills necessary to face these changes. The topics addressed include safety, updates in logistics, production, management and CLP and REACH regulations.
that we use
from renewable sources