The drivers of sustainability: innovation and human capital
At Vebi, product innovation is a key step towards sustainability. We aim to create products featuring excellent technical performance with the lowest environmental impact, for the safety of people and the environment. Major investments have been made in a recently renovated and expanded in-house laboratory and in the Supply Chain and Production areas, where much work has been done for process engineering and the improvement of product industrialisation.
At Vebi, there is also a strong conviction that people play a crucial role in achieving corporate objectives. By working on the concepts of accountability and mutual trust, our management seeks to promote a corporate environment in which everyone can feel valued and, in turn, contribute to good company results.
Sustainability and the 2030 Agenda
The United Nations 2030 Agenda considers company one of the most important subjects for the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Vebi also participates in the pursuit of SDGs by adopting a business model that includes targeted investments, responsible innovation, attention to health and safety, and the development of new skills, as well as by pursuing objectives 8, 9 and 12, which have been anchored to outcome indicators in the Sustainability Report.
that we use
from renewable sources