Cultural sustainability: UNIPD and the Sala dei Quaranta

The hall behind the Aula Magna of University of Padua takes the name of Sala dei Quaranta, because of forty portraits of distinguished foreign students who have attended the University over the centuries.
Vebi Istituto Biochimico has chosen to restore the canvas depicting János Sámboky, an Hungarian multi-talent, of whom we share a short excerpt from his biography.

He began his training in his hometown before going to Vienna, where he devoted himself mainly to ancient letters. He would then travel to Paris where he studied philosophy and ancient Greek medical theories of Galen. It was at this time that his interest in collecting and in particular in numismatics was born before moving on to Italy.

During his stay in Padua, he obtained a degree in medicine in 1555. In Padua, he wrote poetry, studied botany while developing a dense network of relationships with scholars of his time.

From the reading of his activities, we can see how János Sámboky has specialized in Galenic medicine, the same discipline from which our first products were born in 1945.

For us it is a reason of pride to contribute and support this project of history and tradition: we strongly believe that sustainability is also cultural as well as economic, social and environmental.

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