Vebi Istituto Biochimico’s
GREEN choice

We have been practicing sustainability for the last 5 years:

  • we use 100% clean energy
  • we transform our CO2 emissions into sustainable projects to improve the quality and value of the environment we live in.


Vebi Istituto Biochimico uses certified renewable energy from Italian sources (Guarantee of Origin, GO): we rely on natural resources, and are supported by the hydraulic power stations in our mountains. It is energy from our territory, directly from the producer to the consumer.
We use energy from renewable sources that doesn’t release any CO2 in the atmosphere!


To offset the inevitable CO2 emissions (e.g. natural gas consumption), we were keen to join a development cooperation project assisting Ethiopian rural communities.
The project, which started in 2016, is led by national NGO COOPI, which works on humanitarian projects all over the world:
By financing this project, Vebi Istituto Biochimico contributed to

  • the distribution of 6000 stoves to reduce wood consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as the health risks from breathing in combustion fumes (respiratory and eye diseases or increased child mortality)
  •  the construction of a run-of-river power plant to produce clean energy

Our returns were in terms of

  •   Social Responsibility (towards the environment and development)
  •   Quality

Each project grants credits certifying the reduction of emissions according to international standards (VER, Verified Emission Reduction or VCS, Verified Carbon Standard), which verify each project’s actual impact on the reduction of greenhouse gases.

We paused to reflect, and chose to offset the inevitable pollution by financing worthy initiatives.

All certifications are guaranteed by independent institutions.

Some figures…

In 2017

We have strengthened our position as a green company for our stakeholders, in line with values we have always supported – sustainability and respect for the environment and society.
We did it by translating a simple objective – the reduction of our environmental impact – into concrete, sustainable actions:

  1. improved, healthier work environment
  2.  stronger social reputation (CSR)
  3. mid- to long-term economic advantage
  4. widespread sustainability culture among staff

By respecting the environment, we achieved the long-term benefits we were striving for, and we intend to keep improving!

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